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Search results incomplete/not fully functional

Text and attribute features not working as they are disconnected from the query (a temporary measure?), and associated 'getlisting' error that relates to it that pops up.

rodww, 10.07.2012, 07:22
Idea status: completed


jamonjoo, 13.07.2012, 22:11
Search based on distance and attributes is not completed! :) Search with words is next (mostly done already).
rodww, 13.07.2012, 22:21
Search based on distance and attributes IS or IS NOT completed? lol. Your sentence is a bit confusing. :)
jamonjoo, 14.07.2012, 18:26
Sorry, I marked it as completed, then forgot about the text search and changes the status back. LOL ;) Everything should work, except text search.
rodww, 19.07.2012, 06:50
Ok... I can now search by distance and it works.. and it's showing me the distance to the record from my location (which seems accurate).. so that's cool.

However when I choose a price range above what's in the listing it still shows in the search results... is that part of the text search function?
rodww, 19.07.2012, 07:24
It just occurred to me that the distance shown is a result of the difference of the latitude and longtitude between the listing poster's location and your current location.. which is great if we could drive in a straight line (lol).. but most folks might be more interested in actual driving distance... I'm thinking we might want to make what the distance column shows as an option in the user profile settings (geographical versus driving distance).

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