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Change default values and text in advanced search dropdown

Change the default selection for 'Price' to the first item in the dropdown list. Same for Currency type. Also, the 'Price: $ ___ to ___' selection would read better as 'Range: $ ____ to ___' since we already know it's price (right now it shows price twice.

rodww, 10.07.2012, 06:43
Response from the site administrator
jamonjoo, 10.07.2012
The first item in the lists are now defaulted. I can't change the name, because it affects the new listing screen also and wouldn't make any sense.
Idea status: completed


jamonjoo, 10.07.2012, 13:11
I noticed this already also. I'm working on it now actually. :)
rodww, 10.07.2012, 16:53
Look really nice.. you know what would be good then just take the word price out altogether in front of the currency symbol so there's no duplication, and the $ implies the price anyway.. it would look better I think. That looks good in the new listing screen as well where a range doesn't apply (I didn't think about that). Otherwise that menu looks awesome.
rodww, 10.07.2012, 16:57
Oh and you can duplicate these default values in the fields when posting a new listing as well? It's really cool.
rodww, 10.07.2012, 16:59
Lastly I notice that the 'default currency type' dropdown is at the bottom in the search window but second when posting a new listing.. can they be made the same order?

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